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1A understands the elements of design: color, form, line, shape, space, texture, and value
1B understands the principles of design: balance, contrast, harmony, movement, pattern, repetition, rhythm, and unity
1C understands the expressive qualities and communication of idea

Evidence: On the left is a student example from a lesson I co-taught at Lexington High School. 


Description: This unit plan focused on surrealism in advertisements. For the first part of the project students had to create a surrealistic landscape by using magazine clippings. My example uses a landscape of an apartment building. I added a few random items found throughout the magazines to create a dreamlike state. 


Rationale: This example shows that I understand the standards because of the use of design, balance, and contrast. 


3A understands media and tools and how to use them in a safe and responsible manner.
1G analyzes and evaluates (critiques) artworks for how aesthetic qualities are used to convey intent, expressive ideas, and/or meaning.

Evidence: The documents featured below are my accompanying artist statement and rubric used to grade students' work. 


Description: The reflection is in response to the example work I created. 


Rationale: The artist statement helps to critique my own work and show self evaluation. The artist statement also explains in depth the design and intent behind the artwork. 


2A: understands how to compare and contrast elements, principles, and tools in two or more visual artworks
2B: understands how to compare and contrast artworks in two or more fine arts that share processes, expressive ideas, similar themes, historical periods, or societal contexts
2E: analyzes and evaluates similar and distinctive characteristics of artworks in and among the arts
5G: analyzes the function of the visual arts in various eras and cultures
5A: understands how the visual arts function in a cultural and societal context
1G: analyzes and evaluates (critiques) artworks for how aesthetic qualities are used to convey intent, expressive ideas, and/or meaning

Evidence: The documents below are an artist handout I made and the powerpoint presented during the lesson. 


Description: The artist handout on Red Hong Yi was actually for a different lesson that had to be switched out. However, it is still a good example for mixed media and using uncommon items to make art. The powerpoint was how we presented the lesson to the students and what they would be creating. 


Rationale: The questions used in the artist handout uses conceptual framework and frames. The information given and questions asked touch on the cultural meanings behind Red Hong Yi's work. It also dives into her uses of unconventional media in her work and what it means. 


7G: understands the need for continuing study, self evaluation, and professional growth.

Graduate Student Show 2022

Description: University Galleries is a gallery in uptown Normal, IL that features many different artists throughout the year. This particular show was for graduate students who would soon be finishing their time at ISU. 


Rationale: Going to the gallery gave me the opportunity to support artists who also attend ISU. It also allowed me to think about how my art could grow and change just like the graduates had. 


Evidence: The photo on the right is one I took during my walk through the gallery. 


Faculty Biennial 2022

Description: This was also at University galleries during a different show. This show was for all of the art faculty to show their work. 


Rationale: Going to this show allowed me to appreciate my own teachers artwork. It also gave me the opportunity to reflect on the art I may create after becoming an art teacher. 


Evidence: To the right is a photo I took during our tour of the show. 



7N: advances his or her knowledge of current developments in the field by participating in professional development activities (e.g., coursework, professional organizations, and workshops



Description: Art Around You is a class I teach at the CDM in collaboration with University Galleries. It's a free class that anyone can sign up for and attend. We walk as a group to the gallery and receive a tour from the galleries staff. After the tour we walk back to the museum to talk about the artwork and make our own art! 


Rationale: Teaching these classes helps me to advance my knowledge on not only the art happening in Normal. But to also get the chance to teach kids about that art and help them to develop their own ideas. 

Evidence: The photo to the left features the students during their art making. 



Description: Family paint night is another class I teach at the Children's Discovery Museum. It occurs on a thursday once a month and invites any family to come join a night of instructed painting. 


Rationale: By teaching these classes I get to practice my own teaching skills with different age groups. The age ranges from 5-10 and includes both parents in kids in the making process. 


Evidence: The photo to the left features families during the painting process. 

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